Tugdual Gaillard

Computer Graphics | Scientific Computing

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This website aims to present myself, share knowledge and reflections on subjects mainly revolving around scientific computing, math, and physics.

Among the sources of joy and excitement in my life are the discovery of new topics and skills, nature, either through contemplation or physical activity, and music in its diversity.

I am an obsessive problem-solver when it comes to creating and crafting things, I love and need to totally immerse myself in a topic when it picks up my interest.

If you think that I might be interested and useful in any sort of project, feel free to reach me on LikedIn !

myself during a little hike

Wooden spoons

I sometimes carve green wood with a hatchet and a knife to make wooden spoons. I see it as a meditative and relaxing activity where you focus on shape, grain direction, and not cutting your fingers off. They make great gifts too.
wooden spoons
Ok, I have to admit that I sanded them.


I'm quite interested in French/Europeans indigenous trees and have learned to recognize most of them. Below is a hybrid oak three raised from the seeds that I collected during my bike trip in Spain.
seedling of a Q. ilex x Q. pyrenaica
Q. ilex x Q. pyrenaica ? x Q. faginea ?

Bicycle trip

After commuting with my bike for a while, I realized that it would be nice to cycle to Spain. I choose to go to the Sistema Central and Sistema Iberico, making my way in the mountain ranges surrounding Soria. Indeed, I appreciate mountains and remote places, even if it was going to be a bit challenging in terms of supply, weather and road quality. I sewed bags for the frame, put a tent older than me back into service, and after saving a little money, I took the opportunity to go. I never really had the occasion to travel, so it was a blast.
bike Sierra de la Demanda pista
Sierra de la Demanda, ascent of the Alto Menegutia.


I have been learning to code mostly as a hobby, by trying to model and compute simple physical phenomena.

While studying physics, I became interested in fluid dynamics and decided to implement my own little vorticity-based modelisation. This led me to participate in other fluid dynamics projects where I learned the importance of implementation strategies, version control, and testing.

My favorite languages to work with are:

You can find many projects along with their presentations on my GitHub account .

You can find some web applications I've built here.

Simulation of tracer lines around a droplet
Surface tension model implemented in Fluid2d in collaboration with Malo Kerebel.


GNU/Linux provides a highly customizable environment and is resource-efficient, meaning that using a pc with 4Gb of RAM is totally fine for most applications.

I do not use any desktop environment and rely on the command-line for common operations, although I highly recommend implementing some kind of cheat-sheet quick search system in that case.


Emacs is my main IDE ( with the Vim key bindings ). I'm not a hardcore Emacs user, and do not want to invest too much time in learning it, so I use Doom-Emacs and I'm really satisfied with it. The org mode is incredibly simple of usage and powerful, way more ergonomic than LaTeX if you need to write math.


You should use Git for every project.

Math and Physics


Pattern design and sewing